Aura Ashtanga Yoga

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Welcome to Aura Ashtanga Yoga

(former Ashtanga Yoga Long Island)


It’s possible that you were directed to this page while attempting to visit Ashtanga Yoga Long If you’re interested in attending Ashtanga classes in Long Island, NY, I’d like to recommend Lauren Reek’s website. She’s been my long-term student and apprentice and is still teaching in-person Ashtanga classes on Long Island. Thank you for considering Lauren as a valuable guide for your ashtanga yoga practice.

Sincerely, Aura


About Aura Reverol


I am filled with gratitude as I reflect on my journey as a yoga teacher. My first yoga class in 2009 was a life-changing experience that led me down a path of self-discovery and growth. Under the guidance of my first teacher, Bernardino Machado, I was introduced to Ashtanga Yoga, which opened my eyes to the many benefits of this practice. In 2010, I attended my first teacher training with Manju Jois in Orlando, followed by many trips to Mysore, India, where I studied at Sthalam 8 with Ajay Kumar.

Over the years, I have had the privilege of teaching yoga to students in Venezuela, Colombia, Central America, and New York. Ashtanga Yoga has not only improved my physical health but has also strengthened my mind and spirit. Through consistent practice, I have learned to overcome obstacles and achieve things I never thought possible.

As a teacher, my greatest joy is sharing the gift of yoga with others and showing them that anything is possible with dedication and practice. I am grateful for each student who has crossed my path and for the opportunity to continue sharing this practice with the world.

I conducted my last yoga studio, Ashtanga Yoga Long Island for six years, I closed it in 2021 due to the pandemic. But you can still find me teaching online or in-person at Balance Yoga Center in Redding, Northern California. Join me on the mat and experience the life-changing power of Ashtanga Yoga.